
Links of interest to people reading this website, use text of link given in your search engine to access these:

Oxford protests about Shell/Equinor protests published:

Steve Dawe on National Infrastructure, notional benefits – article:

Steve Dawe on LTNs, article:   July 2023

WRITING TO MPs about Rishi Sunak and his Climate and transport policies of July 2023, suggested materials to draw upon for personalised/localised letters to your own MP:

XRO PR Sunak FF expansion 1 8 2023

Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel:

Cyclox, Oxford Cycling campaign:

Oxfordshire Liveable Streets:

Transport for Quality of Life, The carbon impacts of the Government’s roads programme:

Witney Oxford Transport:

Extinction Rebellion Resources with lists of online articles on various aspects of Climate Change:

Please see below occasional lists of Climate Change resources, almost all available on line, on Climate Change and closely-related topics. These lists were started in 2020, so reflect a lot of current thinking about aspects of the Climate Emergency. These lists are added to periodically, appearing also in the Extinction Rebellion Oxford Facebook group. Transport features as a major topic of some documents, or a mentioned topic within many documents.

Resources for XR Activists 16

Resources for XR Activists 15

Resources for XR Activists 14

Resources for XR Activists 13

Resources for XR Activists 12 

Resources for XR Activists 11   

Resources for XR activists 10 

Resources for XR activists 9 

Resources for XR activists 8 

Resources for XR Activists 7 

Resources for XR activists 6 

Resources for XR activists 5 November 2020 

Resources for XR Activists 4 – September 2020 

Resources for XR Activists (3) July 2020 

Resources for XR activists 2 June 2020

Resources for XR activists