Joint Local Plan: Issues Consultation

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Title Mr
First name Steve
Last name Dawe
Town/village name Oxford
Your business or organisation (if relevant) -
Business or organisation you're representing (if relevant) Cowley Area Transport Group
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Please select which documents you wish to comment on:
Local Plan Issues Consultation

This section of the survey is about how things are right now. Please visit our interactive website to find out more information and help you answer the questions below.

3. How much do you agree that these are the main issues that the Joint Local Plan should consider?
If you think there are other issues the Local Plan should consider, please let us know in this box:
Complete community transition to renewable energy in all sectors

4. Which of these issues do you think is the most important?

Our vision is for carbon neutral districts, for current and future generations. 

For this to be a place where nature is thriving, and nature reserves are no longer isolated pockets. A place where history is still visible, where heritage and landscape character are safeguarded and valued, and the beauty and the distinctive local identity of our towns and villages have been enhanced. 

A place where people can thrive. Where people have housing choices they can afford, where villages, market towns and garden communities are diverse and inclusive places where people of all ages and backgrounds can live together.   

A place where local residents can reach the facilities they need for everyday living on foot, bicycle or by zero-emission and low carbon transport choices.  

Where residents and visitors can live healthy lifestyles and access greenspace. Where people are safe from pollution, flooding, and the effects of climate change.  

Where there are valuable and rewarding  jobs, embracing clean technologies and growing the opportunities in Science Vale for the districts to contribute on a national and international scale to solving pressing global issues.  

5. How much do you agree with this vision for the Joint Local Plan?
If there is anything you disagree with in particular, or you have any other thoughts let us know here:
A transition to a circular economy offers local employment advantages, has the potential to reduce undesirable forms of consumption incl. imports and is compatible with addressing both the Climate and ecological emergencies.

This section of the survey is about reducing carbon emissions. Please visit our interactive website to find out more information about this topic and help you answer the questions below.

6. Please select the THREE opportunities that are most important to you.
Plan for a move away from fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions
Require new homes and buildings to minimise energy use through their layout and design, and have the highest standards of fabric efficiency
Encourage carbon sinks and increase tree cover

7. Do you disagree with any of these opportunities? Tick all that apply.
Transition to renewable forms of energy and support the districts in playing an international role in fusion energy power plant research and deployment

8. If you have any other thoughts on how we could use the Joint Local Plan to reduce carbon emissions, please write them here.
a) use existing built environment for homes, including sustainable retrofitting; b) buy homes on sale for very low cost housing (council/keyworker shared ownership); c) build homes above surface level or around as many private and public car parks as possible, to avoid greenfield site development, ensuring such homes are car free by covenant; d) pursue a circular economy with all relevant stakeholders; e) strongly encourage remote working and flexitime to reduce traffic movements and improve quality of life; f) promote electric car hire not ownership in order to reduce overall number of cars in area; f) radically increase resources for Active Travel; g) oppose all new trunk roads; h) ensure walking and cycling networks join up; i) support decreases in meat consumption eg vegetarian/vegan fairs in communities supported by council(s); make it as difficult as possible to build on greenfield sites.

This section of the survey is about nature recovery and landscape​. Please visit our interactive website to find out more information about this topic and help you answer the questions below.

9. Please select the THREE opportunities that are most important to you.
Restrict the amount of development in and around our top biodiversity areas
Require improvements to air and water quality
Minimise the use of greenfield land by increasing the density of developments

10. Do you disagree with any of these opportunities? Tick all that apply.
Require developments to generate a net gain in biodiversity

11. If you have any other thoughts on how we could use the Joint Local Plan to protect the natural environment, please write them here.
Biodiversity net gain implies loss of biodiversity in the first instance. Prevention of loss of biodiversity should follow Precautionary Principle: no loss of biodiversity to development. Make development on any greenfield site as difficult as practically possible, meeting the need for very low cost home from brownfield sites, including dual use of car parks or removal of car parks which generate traffic in unwanted locations, resulting in air pollution, noise, accidents, road and pavement damage, etc. Biodiversity is not achieved by the maintenance of fragments, it needs wildlife corridors wherever possible as a key goal.

This section of the survey is about protecting and enhancing local heritage​. Please visit our interactive website to find out more information about this topic and help you answer the questions below.

12. Please select the THREE opportunities that are most important to you.
Protect heritage assets from harm or loss
Keep alive traditions of local building materials, palettes and building styles
Ensure energy efficient and renewable energy measures for historic buildings adequately safeguard their heritage significance

14. If you have any other thoughts on how we could use the Joint Local Plan to protect and enhance local heritage please write them here.
Reduce traffic as part of protecting historic sites. Ensure gradual reductions in traffic by reducing parking provision, beginning in areas where traffic is most congested/polluting/noisy etc.

This section of the survey is about thriving inclusive communities. Please visit our interactive website to find out more information about this topic and help you answer the questions below.

15. Please select the THREE opportunities that are most important to you.
Plan for housing that is genuinely affordable for our communities
Retain a proportion of homes that will remain affordable forever, not just for the first buyer
Promote alternative housing models like self-build, custom and community-led housing

16. Do you disagree with any of these opportunities? Tick all that apply.
Support affordable housing on sites we’d normally protect from development

17. If you have any other thoughts on how we could use the Joint Local Plan to tackle housing inequality and affordability, please write them here.
Oxfordshire has a general problem of unaffordable home prices and private rents. In consequence, housing targets should strongly favour very low cost housing options to address local skills shortage and address actual local needs for housing. These options could include the following: council homes delivered by buying homes on sale, compulsory purchase of empty properties, and a 50% target within any new developments; creation of Council company to protect against Right to Buy; support housing cooperatives, more secure moorings on waterways, co-housing initiatives, conversions of long term empty industrial buildings/sites. Market housing at current prices is unaffordable in Oxfordshire for virtually everybody and should be made more difficult to achieve. Housing Associations should be favoured for new developments wherever possible, if council funds run short. Councils must make use of car parks as a 'brownfield reserve' for dual use, to create very low cost homes - primarily above surface level.

18. We’d like to hear your ideas for how we could adapt our town centres and high streets to meet our changing needs. Are there any improvements, new facilities or uses that you would like to see in the locations marked on the map?
The best ways to ensure good footfall in urban settlement centres include: increasing the population by making use of surface car parks for very low cost housing, which should be car free by covenant; new estates can be higher density if no car parking is permitted, and restraints on heights are limited; placing economic support available behind locally-based independent businesses to ensure diversity within retail/leisure areas of urban settlements, getting away from the 'clone town' problem of chains that come and go.

Which location(s) does your answer to question 18 above apply to?

This section of the survey is about transport and facilities. Please visit our interactive website to find out more information about this topic and help you answer the questions below.

19. Please select the THREE opportunities that are most important to you.
Focus new development in settlements where the facilities for everyday living are available within 20 minutes’ walk or cycling distance
Plan a transition to sustainable transport modes by walking and cycling, shared transport, electric and alternative fuel cars, driverless cars, and plan for enhanced public transport including re-opening of the Cowley Branch line and a station at Grove
Plan for safe routes for walking and cycling, new quietways, new routes between settlements, secure bike parking, cargo bikes, electric bikes and scooters, electric vehicle charging

20. Do you disagree with any of these opportunities? Tick all that apply.
Plan for new infrastructure alongside development, especially in Garden Communities at Didcot, Berinsfield and Dalton Barracks and on strategic allocation sites
Plan for new technological innovation in transport and communications technologies

22. If you have any other thoughts on how we could use the Joint Local Plan to ensure people have easy access to the services they need to use on a day-to-day basis, please write them here.
a) walking and cycling network development, reducing road space where necessary; b) growth of very low cost housing within settlements by making best use of available built environment and surface car parks - dual use or removal of car parking; c) councils to campaign for bus and railway re-nationalisation, with full free fares on buses and at least a 50% cut in rail fares.

This section of the survey is about healthy lifestyles and safe communities. Please visit our interactive website to find out more information about this topic and help you answer the questions below.

23. Please select the THREE opportunities that are most important to you.
Provide opportunities for active travel, exercise, social interaction and recreation
Avoid inappropriate development in flood risk areas
Limit and control new sources of air, water, noise and light pollution

25. If you have any other thoughts on how we could use the Joint Local Plan to give residents and visitors the opportunity to live healthy lifestyles, please write them here.
Promote less meat consumption, eg through support for vegetarian and vegan fairs in communities.

26. If you have any other thoughts on how we could use the Joint Local Plan to keep residents and visitors safe from pollution, flooding and the effects of climate change, please write them here.
a) minimise carbon and physical resource impacts of additional homes by re-use of the existing built environment as a top priority for very low cost housing; b) dramatically extend pedestrianised areas to reduce areas in which PM2.5s are created by vehicles, including by their non-exhaust emissions; c) strongly encourage staycations, day trips to support local enterprises/facilities and decrease all forms of transport emissions; d) create an initiative to help reduce the cost of air source heat pump installation for owners of buildings, with appropriate stakeholders; e) very strongly promote remote working as this will tend to increase spending of residents in their own localities.

This section of the survey is about jobs and opportunities for innovation. Please visit our interactive website to find out more information about this topic and help you answer the questions below.

27. Please select the THREE opportunities that are most important to you.
Support working from home and community based work hubs/ facilities
Support the ‘circular economy’ and businesses working towards a greener future
Support rural land-based businesses, the local food economy and rural tourism

28. Do you disagree with any of these opportunities? Tick all that apply.
Work to support innovation in Science Vale like the fusion work at Culham Science Centre, and space technology and vaccine manufacture at Harwell

29. If you have any other thoughts on how we could use the Joint Local Plan to cater for future working styles and patterns, please write them below.
Planning support for home extensions for offices/garage conversions/loft conversions etc.

30. If you have any other thoughts on how we could use the Joint Local Plan to help ensure there are valuable and rewarding jobs in the districts, please write them here.
Encourage both remote working and flexitime as a normal feature of employment.

31. Have we correctly summarised the issues, challenges and opportunities for the Joint Local Plan?
If you've said no, what do you think we've missed?
A carbon neutral goal of 2030 for both districts. Expanding the total area of biodiversity, including restoration of degraded peatlands, with target dates. Wildlife habitat extensions should be included.

32. Finally, do you have any other comments?
Massive population increase throughout the Plan area will typically cause the addition of more two car households. Councils must lead on increasing car free developments or face the consequences of not doing so. Making best use of the existing build environment and building apartments above surface car parks, public and private, is essential for the long term wellbeing of communities.

Which of the following describes how you identify yourself?

How old are you?

What is your ethnic group?
English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, British

Are your day to day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted or is expected to last 12 months or more?

How did you hear about the Joint Local Plan issues consultation?

How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the way in which you have been able to provide feedback on the Joint Local Plan?

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